How To Self Publish a Kindle E-book on Amazon’s KDP Select — Join the Self-Publishing Revolution How To Self Publish a Kindle E-book on Amazon’s KDP Select
If you want to buy the book that’s uploaded in this video, that would be cool:

Get an e-book on Kindle store — there are several things to do that however it is quite easy!

You should put a lot of thought into your title, subtitle, the two categories it’s going to go in, 7 keywords, the description of the book (the blurb) and the cover.

In order to enrol in KDP Select, the e-book you’re uploading does not exist anywhere else. If you enrol in KDP Select you can offer the book for free during five days every 90 days which is a great marketing ploy, and you can also sell the book at a discount for a limited time which is also a great thing to do

I wouldn’t advise you to upload a Microsoft Word doc although that is exactly what I do here It’s better to create a Mobi file with either Adobe InDesign with the kindle plug-in or Scrivener — these will produce a cleaner HTML file than you will get through the Word doc.

How to Successfully Self-Publish a Kindle eBook

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