They make it a lot easier to add a credit card to make purchases. But when it comes to collecting my $80 from a sale, I keep getting denied. I think the company is running a racket that is making them a lot of interest. I believe a lot of other people are having the same difficulties as me.
It’s easy to add a payment card. It’s even easy to sell. But adding the bank information to collect is hard. I am confused how to do it even after reading my email instructions and the websites, both of which give different options and directions.
Usually, most decent websites that offer instructions on how to perform these kinds of tasks will add a link as part of their instructions to help guide the customer easier.
What is extra strange to me about the Amazon payment problems also is that they refuse to do business with Paypal. They are will only work with your bank and that’s it. Why is Amazon protesting against the use of a good internet payment website? It goes beyond me. Maybe it’s a pride issue.
Amazon won’t even use any of Paypals competitors like
Also, since their customer service is customer discussion forum driven, it’s really tough to get any good help.