Seller Performance will give any merchant a run around when it comes to any copyright or trademark infringement. This department ignores things like government copyright numbers, trademark numbers and patent numbers? Sending in any proof to them will get ignored 25 times easy. Amazon does nothing with this and they are going to be sued in a civil suit soon over not enforcing basic government protection rules.
I know from experience with Amazon that this is currently a huge problem. Amazon will say they respect your copyrights and trademark rights but they don’t! If a merchant has the copyrights to something Amazon will ignore the government number and ask you the same dumb questions over and over until you go crazy.
Anyone who has a problem with Amazon with copyright and trademark infringement will unfortunately have to spend money with a lawyer. Costing your company money they don’t have to fight it. The fact remains that Amazon doesn’t care about good merchants. They have proven this and harbor terrible merchants who are robbing others and Amazon does nothing.