presents the third video in the Amazon S3 for Beginners series.
As Amazon S3 is widely used in the internet marketing industry, I have created this set of videos to show you how easy it is to distribute your videos and other media from your Amazon S3 account.
If you haven’t seen the first or second parts then click here:
Part 1: Creating an Amazon S3 account:
Part 2: Uploading to your Amazon S3 account:
In this video, I show you 3 methods for distributing your files from your Amazon S3 account:
1) Directly from your Amazon S3 account
2) Using a program called Cloudberry (works in the same way as Filezilla)
3) Using Easy Video Player to customise your videos and provide a player (after all, videos can’t play without a player!)
I hope that this shows you how easy it can be to get started using your Amazon S3 account to distribute your videos, PDFs, images, or other media, and gives you different options to use according to your preference & requirements.
If you have any comments about this then please either post them below or contact me directly on my site at