presents a video tutorial on 3 different ways that you can upload your media to an Amazon S3 account.
An Amazon S3 account is a vital part of any internet marketer’s portfolio. When you need to store information online (be it videos. audio, pictures etc) then using an online storage facility becomes a necessity.
Amazon S3 is widely used in the internet marketing industry and therefore I have created this video to show you how easy it is to start using the account and get your videos and other media uploaded to it. This is my second tutorial on A Beginner’s Guide to Amazon S3 – if you haven’t seen the first part then click here:
For example, if you do a lot of video marketing and want to use something like Easy Video Player, then Amazon S3 will become a vital part of your marketing plan. Don’t host videos yourself on your own hosting as it will crash your site once a few people go to view it at the same time. Use an online storage facility such as Amazon S3 to prevent that from happening.
I show you in this video 3 methods for uploading your files to your Amazon S3 account:
1) Directly from your computer to your Amazon S3 account
2) Using a program called Cloudberry (works in the same way as Filezilla)
3) Using Easy Video Player to upload to your S3 account allowing for instant customisation within EVP.
I hope that this shows you how easy it can be to get started using your Amazon S3 account, whether you choose to upload directly; through Cloudberry, or through Easy Video Player.
If you have any comments about this then please either post them below or contact me directly on my site at