How To Make Money Selling Books Using The Deseret Industries and

In this video I show you how I raked in $110 in less than 30 minutes at The Deseret Industries. If you live in the western part of the U.S, then there’s most likely a DI near you.

The DI is a group of stores that accept donations and turn around and sell them for a really low price. It’s a great service to the community because some people don’t have the money to go out and spend $40 on a shirt.

Today I bought two books for a total of $7 and will be able to turn around and sell them for a total of $110. Obviously I’m going to have to pay shipping. When you subtract shipping, I’ll still have a hearty profit.

How can you do this?

First, find a DI that’s near you. (Use this link:

Second, go to their used book section.

Third, identify the ISBN number of the book. It is found in one of two possible locations – next to the bar code on the back of the book & somewhere in the first couple pages of the book.

Fourth, open up the internet on your smartphone or tablet.

Fifth, enter the ISBN number into the search bar. Make sure you scroll down to where it says, “New & used (X) from $X.XX”. If you decide to buy the book because of the price you see at the top, then you’re not going to make a profit.


Amazon lists their price at the top. You want the price others are selling the book for – new and used.

Sixth, determine your threshold of ROI (return on investment). My wife and I have a threshold of $5. In other words, it’s not worth our time to buy and sell a book if we won’t make at least $5.

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If you have experiences like this, then comment below, as I’d like to hear your stories.

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